Saturday, December 8, 2012

Another Farewell & Institute graduation

We finish our mission on December 10th, so there is lots to do before we leave for New Zealand to report our mission to our supervisors there.  It has been a great experience, one we will always remember with fondness and gratefulness for the tender mercies of the Lord.  Sister Thorne has been teaching a class to help some returned missionaries pass the SLEP Test (Language Proficiency).  She gave the test again Tuesday afternoon.  I am finishing up three courses and hope to submit the grades on Wednesday or Thursday.

The Moroni High Faculty held a special meeting to say good bye to Sister Thorne and myself on Friday - November 30th.  There were some nice tributes made by Lita, Marinoa, Rusila, and Peter - thanking us for teaching the ITEP classes and working with the faculty, administration and staff.  It was humbling to receive thanks from these good people.  
We were then presented a cake which Sister Thorne cut so all would have a piece.  Then we had another meal - buffet style.  We asked Tirataake to take some pictures for us.  She was not at all shy about taking photos.
Some of the teachers getting ready for the special faculty meeting.  Eutee in the back will be going to BYU Hawaii during the 2014 school year on the Church Schools Teacher Scholarship
Some quiet time before the festivities begun

Tiritaake was our photographer.  She will be leaving for BYUH in two weeks on the Church School Teacher Scholarship.  She is always smiling and happy, she told me she would send photos back to the school of her studying but none of her on the beach.

Ioram and Popeieta (front row)

Marinoa and Taraia

Eutee, Teaa, and hamming it up for the camera

Mary conducted the meeting

Bwebwennang giving a little coaching to Marinoa during her tribute to us

Marinoa giving her tribute and thanks to the Thornes
Lita also had some nice thoughts to say

Lita is a very special leader who shows great love and compassion to everyone with whom she associates

Rusila takes her turn, she also has great leadership skills

Peter says a few words - he has a great sense of humor

Sister Thorne then had the opportunity to express her love and thanks for the faculty, administration and staff

Then it was my turn to express our love and thanks for the opportunity to know these good people

Maingatara, Arieta, and Fatele

They baked a farewell cake for us

As is traditional Sister Thorne cut the cake

The faculty sang a farewell song

Another farewell luncheon, the Saints love to have food at most gatherings but we are yet to see green jello or funeral potatoes

This has been my only companion for my whole mission and I get to take her home with me

Institute Graduation

Sunday Institute graduation was held, there were 44 graduates and certificates awarded for attending 1 to 4 years of institute.  We were asked to speak at the graduation exercise.  It was a choice experience to talk to these outstanding young adults.  Many were returned missionaries and others will soon be serving.
Sister Thorne spoke on the theme found in Proverbs 16:3

Elder Thorne spoke on missionary work and "Is anything too hard for the Lord/"


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